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Increased Responsibility at Work

Be sure your growing responsibility comes with the necessary authority.

You’ve wanted added responsibility.  You’ve asked for it.  You’ve worked hard to deserve it.  Now, it’s yours!  You’ve been offered the chance to shine as you lead the redesign of your division's website.

But, wait!  Before leaping to the yes, ask the necessary questions.  Instead of a quick and giddy reply in the affirmative, you might say, “Fantastic. I look forward to this increased responsibility. I’m pleased you have the confidence in my ability to develop the website for our new division. Am I correct in assuming that with this new responsibility, I’ll have access to the strategic plans and division managers plus the authority to change the budget?”

The bottom line? Don’t accept responsibility without the authority to accomplish the task. It’s a recipe for disaster; it will never end well. Ask the necessary questions. Make sure your authority matches your increased level of responsibility. Then, and only then, will you be able to show you are worthy of increased responsibility.